The Lake county property appraiser has a website which helps the residents of Lake County Florida to estimate their taxes each year, based on the appraised value of their home. While the Lake county property appraiser makes appraisals of each property every five years, homeowners may still wish to estimate their taxes and the website provides a myriad of information which can help them do so, including a tax estimator calculator. The Lake county property appraiser also lists many factors which they take under consideration when making property appraisals, including location. Lake county has many bodies of water and the proximity of any parcel of land to that water, greatly influences the value of that property. However, property located near the ocean or gulf, generally has a higher value in Florida than property located near a body of water such as a lake. There are also other factors taken into consideration by the Lake county property appraiser, including the real estate market in the area. While much of the country has experienced a downswing in the real estate market, certain areas, even within Lake County, have experienced an upswing, resulting in an increase in property values in those areas. Regardless of the special factors which may influence the value of an individual piece of property, the Lake county property appraiser must follow all state and local statues when determining the value of a piece of property.