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Hillsborough County Property Appraiser

Hillsborough County Property Appraiser

Hillsborough County is located in Florida. There are some areas of the county that have higher property values than others, such as Tampa. The Hillsborogh county property appraiser determines that value of homes in the county at least every five years, as to keep the assessment fair to the county and to the owner. The Hillsborogh county property appraiser determines the amount of taxes that each property owner will be responsible for, based on many intervening factors. In addition to the location, condition and size of the property, the Hillsborough property appraiser also includes upgrades in their assessment. There are also location factors, such as the proximately of parks, schools, and public transportation, which the property assessor will consider when making their determination. For example, a home which is closer to parks will likely have a higher property assessment than one which doesn't have parks located nearby. The quality of education offered by the local school, also impacts the assessment of properties in Hillsborough County, as will the demand for properties in that area. The demand for property in certain portions of the county is on the increase, and on the decrease in others. While thousands of people move to Florida each day, the demand for apartments tends to be higher than the demand for homes. The state of the economy is greatly influencing the Hillsborogh county property appraiser's assessment of property.

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